Silicon Valley Change Executive Coaching Leaders Professional Coaching
Ep001: Well-Being’s Critical Impact on Your Success w. Senia Maymin

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Are you struggling to achieve peak performance in your professional life, despite loving your work and feeling engaged? It could be that you’re not prioritizing your well-being and self-care.

In our latest episode, our guest, Senia Maymin, shares her insights on how boosting your well-being can lead to enhanced productivity and success. Senia, a well-known coach and expert in positive psychology, understands the importance of well-being in achieving our full potential, both professionally and personally.

Listen now and learn how to harness your well-being:

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Here are the top highlight moments from this episode with Senia Maymin:

🎧 Are you feeling overworked despite enjoying what you do? This week’s podcast episode explores the importance of taking care of oneself to avoid burnout.

🎧 People face different pressures and expectations in work and personal life, making it tricky to set rules for success. Positive Psychology focuses on nurturing our wellbeing to get the most out of life.

🎧 Taking small incremental steps to build up well-being is essential to achieving success, as well as the responsibility individuals have to set boundaries for their own wellbeing.

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