Silicon Valley Change Executive Coaching Leaders Professional Coaching
Developing Inner Skills for Happiness, Resilience and Possibility in Life and Work

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Stella Grizont

Ep 020 with Stella Grizont

Finding happiness and fulfillment in our work and lives can often feel like an elusive goal. But what if I told you that it’s not just a matter of luck or circumstance? What if there were tangible skills and strategies you could learn to take control of your experience at work and cultivate a sense of purpose and joy?

In this episode of What’s Possible, I had the pleasure of speaking with Stella Grizont, an executive coach, speaker, and author of The Work Happiness Method. Stella shared her personal journey of navigating dissatisfaction and boredom in various jobs, leading her to develop inner skills for resilience, purpose, boundaries, and play.

Her insights shed light on the transformative power of embracing uncertainty through playfulness to navigate change and find guidance even in life’s challenges.

Developing the Work Happiness Method

Stella Grizont is a leading happiness expert, positive psychology practitioner, executive coach, and speaker. With extensive experience in helping individuals and organizations thrive, Stella is a go-to expert for HR and Organizational Wellness platforms that reach millions of employees worldwide.

Passionate about empowering individuals to find fulfillment in their careers, Stella’s work centers on developing inner skills for resilience, purpose, boundaries, and play. Her upcoming book, “The Work Happiness Method: Master the 8 Skills to Career Fulfillment,” is set to be released on March 5, 2024.

Stella’s approach to finding happiness and fulfillment in work and life is grounded in positive psychology and coaching principles, making her book accessible to everyone. She encourages readers to embrace uncertainty and reframe challenges as opportunities for growth and excitement. By shifting our mindset and language from “why is this happening to me?” to “what is possible for me?”, we can change our perspective and productivity.

Actionable Steps Toward Happiness

Throughout our conversation, Stella shared personal stories of struggle and growth, including experiences of loss, illness, and infertility, and how these challenges have shaped her perspective on achieving goals. She highlighted the importance of resilience and purpose in navigating life’s detours, and the power of listening to our body and mind to guide us towards greater fulfillment.

So how do we actually make that happen?

One of the key themes that emerged from our conversation was the importance of self-awareness in unlocking more possibilities and choosing who we want to be. Stella emphasized the value of setting boundaries to cultivate what matters most in life, as well as the need to develop inner skills like managing mind and mood, figuring out unique definitions of success, and setting boundaries.

Here is an overview of what you can do today to change your experience at work and in life:

  1. Develop Self-Awareness: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Notice patterns and triggers that impact your happiness and fulfillment at work. Use tools like journaling or meditation to cultivate greater self-awareness and understanding of your inner world.

  2. Set Boundaries: Identify what matters most to you and establish clear boundaries to protect your time, energy, and well-being. Communicate your boundaries assertively and respectfully to others. Practice saying “no” when necessary and prioritize activities that align with your values and goals.

  3. Embrace Uncertainty with Playfulness: Instead of fearing change and uncertainty, approach them with a playful mindset. See challenges as opportunities for growth and exploration. Engage in activities that bring you joy and allow you to express your creativity. Use humor and playfulness to navigate difficult situations and reframe challenges as opportunities for excitement.

  4. Practice Gratitude and Intention Setting: Start and end each day with gratitude. Reflect on the things you’re thankful for and set intentions for how you want to show up in the world. Cultivate a positive mindset by focusing on the things you can control and the possibilities that lie ahead. Visualize your goals and take small, actionable steps towards achieving them.

  5. Listen to Your Body and Mind: Pay attention to the signals your body and mind are sending you. Notice when you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or disconnected. Take breaks when needed and engage in activities that help you recharge and rejuvenate. Practice self-care rituals that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Trust your intuition and honor your needs as you navigate your journey towards greater happiness and fulfillment.

Finding Your Work Happiness Method

As I reflect on my conversation with Stella and the insights she shared, I’m reminded of the profound impact that self-awareness and inner skills can have on our overall well-being. By cultivating these qualities, we can not only find greater happiness and fulfillment in our work and lives, but also navigate change and uncertainty with grace and resilience.

If you’re feeling stuck or dissatisfied in your career, I highly recommend checking out The Work Happiness Method. Stella’s practical strategies and actionable advice offer a roadmap for unlocking your full potential and creating a life filled with purpose and joy. After all, as Stella reminds us, “you get to choose who you want to be, even in difficult situations.”

Want to have a deeper conversation about how to implement these steps? Send me a message, I’d love to hear from you!

Listen to the episode here:

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